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produtos rexona no topo e um rapaz praticando atividade ao ar livre


to today

BODY HEAT ACTIVATED™ is introduced,
revolutionising antiperspirant technology.

Its body-heat technology hat forms a stronger barrier against odor & sweat as your body heat rises.

A collection of photos from the 90s, including a woman tennis player and mountain biker


Rexona goes Pro Sport

Rexona backs some of the world’s best sports men and women: tennis champion Steffi Graf, the All Blacks, the Springboks, mountain biker Darren Berrelcloth, BASE jumper Miles Daisher, survivalist Bear Grylls, tennis champion David Nalbandian, cricketer Andrew Flintoff and the Lotus F1™ Team.

A selection of vintage photos from the 80s, including some arcade machines and woman holding balloons


Global expansion

The brand continues to expand across the globe, rolling out as Rexona, Rexena, Shield, Degree and Sure, depending on where you are. And while the name may vary, its superior sweat protection remains the same.

A selection of vintage photos including some palm trees and a woman lying on a car bonnet


A new category of deodorant brands is born

The world meets Rexona anti-perspirant, later to become Degree in the USA. It’s then introduced in Finland and quickly rolled out to the rest of the world.

Black and white images of a woman and a storefront, and the unilever logo


Rexona joins the Unilever family

British soap maker, Lever Bros, buys Rexona. Shortly afterwards, Lever Bros joins Dutch Margarine Unie to form Unilever.

Vintage memorabilia including a photo of an old car and man standing with a motocycle


Welcome to Rexona Town

Rexona’s first advertising campaign launches. Personal hygiene billboards spring up all over Australia touting the company name, with contests held for each town’s Rexona Baby and Miss Rexona. Some proudly stating: ‘Welcome to our town, a good Rexona Town.’

rexona soap advert from yesteryear


Mrs Sheffer’s Ointment

Rexona is created in Australia in 1908 by Mrs Alice Sheffer, the wife of SF Sheffer, the founder of the Sheldon Drug Company. A talented physician, she wants to give people new kinds of personal care products, with effective ingredients that also smell good. As soon as Rexona hits the shelves, it becomes the company’s biggest seller.