person stretching in backbend with pillow, clinical protection

Sure Maximum Protection: The Key To All Day Protection

If you move around loads during the day, find you sweat a lot – or possibly both – then you may need some extra help to stay fresh and dry.

Maximum Protection deodorants contain the best possible protection. They’re also dermatologist-tested.

A smiling women wrapped up in a pink duvet


Oddly enough, it starts working while you’re asleep.

It uses an advanced formula called TRIsolid™ body responsive technology, which forms a protective layer across your sweat glands. And because your skin is more receptive when you’re asleep, it’s best applied before bed.

This allows the formula to build up a strong layer of protection, which will last throughout the following day. Even after you shower.

TRIsolid™ body responsive technology forms a protective layer across your sweat glands.


You never know when your day might bring on a sweat. When you’re stuck on a packed train, having to make a presentation at work or running for the bus. With Maximum Protection, you can tackle the day with complete confidence.

Another smart feature in our deodorant ranges is Body Heat Activated™ – the only fragrance technology that reacts as your body heat rises. As your body starts to produce sweat, our antiperspirant deodorant dissolves into the sweat and forms a strong barrier, ultimately reducing sweat and preventing body odour.

So, whether you’re more active in the mornings, or a die-hard night owl, Body Heat Activated™ has you covered.

An image of a sure roll on deodorant bright bouquet
happy woman with a strapless top with her hand to her head


You might think with all those hi-tech ingredients, maximum strength deodorants would be harsh on your skin.

Well, we’ve thought of that – and that’s where our built-in moisturisers come in. They make our deodorants gentle enough for everyday use. And because the TRIsolid™ cream comes in a handy stick format, it’s quick and easy to apply.

Find out more about Maximum Protection.