a pregnant lady walking along a sunny beach playing with her hair
girl with wavy brown hair and a shocked expression, cold sweats

What causes night sweats?

When you’re pregnant, both your hormone levels and blood flow increase. That causes your body temperature to rise. Your body then reacts by sweating, in an effort to cool you down.

Some women will experience sweating after pregnancy as well. Again, this is nothing to be alarmed about. It’s simply because your body will have excess fluid to get rid of, and your hormone levels need to rebalance themselves.

Could excessive sweating be a sign you’re pregnant?

When you’re pregnant, the part of your brain that regulates your heat levels is affected by the change in hormones – a bit like a faulty thermostat. And that causes you to sweat more.

You might get night sweats and excessive sweating in early pregnancy, which then reduce over the nine months. But you might get them back nearer to your delivery date, when your hormones change again.

pregnant woman laughing with 'it won't let you down' written over the top